Lawn & Garden
Bactifeed has been helping golf courses have healthier, greener, and better grass for years. If it can help PGA rated golf courses have beautiful greens, why not make it available for lawns and gardening? Well now we have.
Bactifeed is a soil amendment that contains a blend of a healthy variety of bacteria, fungi, and nutrients that come in powder form. While in a dry state the microbes remain dormant, this allows them to survive long periods of time with out food. When you mix this powder with water, after about 6 hours the bacteria activate, bringing them to life! They then begin working the nutrients that are in the blend, using them as an energy source to reproduce. They can reproduce as quickly as every 20 minutes! After a few hours, you will have trillions!

You then spray it on using whatever method is easiest for you! Some people use a hose end sprayer, if you do so, remove the filter and set to the largest spray setting to avoid the risk of clogging. Others will pour a little into a watering can and fill it with water, then fan over desired area. Repeating as many times as it takes to cover their entire lawn and using any leftovers on spots that need some extra love. You can't over-apply it, so be generous with the amount you spray. Your lawn will thank you!
After you've sprayed your lawn, get your sprinklers going for just a few minutes. This will help drive the Bactifeed brew deeper into the soil where they can really get to work. Once in your soil, the bacteria will start eating away at organic matter and nutrients, releasing them in a more readily, and easily absorbable form for roots. This breaking down of organic matter also frees up more space in your soil for air and water to flow into. One of the most common benefits seen is water penetrating the ground faster and remaining longer. As this happens, you can reduce your watering times and save precious water!

The fungi in Bactifeed attach themselves to the roots of plants and act as an extension of the roots. This allows your plants to draw nutrients from even more sources. They also help to resist disease. In some cases they have even been known to wrap around tiny pests that are normally harmful to roots and use them as a nutrient source! These fungi do a lot for your plants and soil, and are not harmful. They use the majority of what they take in for themselves and pass the leftovers on to the plant!
Bactifeed can do wonders for your lawn, but what about your precious garden?
One sod grower in Nevada used it on his fields to help fight fairy ring. It worked so well that he decided to try it on his garden. He always loved tomatoes, but his soils made for awful growing. They always tasted off. He used Bactifeed and grew delicious tomatoes for the first time. Now he doesn't garden with out it.

Your fruits and veggies need nutrients to grow into delicious food for consumption. The healthier your soil, the better your food will taste. Opening the soil also reduces stress on the plants roots. That means they can grow faster and larger. Stress can cause your crop to taste poor as well. So let's open that soil and reduce that stress! Your plants and taste buds will thank you.
You can use Bactifeed every time you water your garden.
Many gardeners do their own composting. Bactifeed has a composting treatment designed specifically to help speed up your composting and make it a better! In 2016 the National Composter of the Year won while using Bactifeed on their compost. The Bactifeed Composting Treatment uses microbes, just like the Lawn & Garden Treatment. These bacteria work on breaking down all that organic matter and turning it into ready-to-use nutrients!