Ideally, this would be 20+ gallons per acre. This may not be possible in some instances. 5+ gallons per acre will still work.
Use whatever method is easiest for you. Inject through pivot. Drip through flood irrigation. Spray in sprayer. etc.
This will help drive the microbes deeper into the soil.
Brew: Mix 1 scoop of Bactifeed per 10 acres into a tank with enough water to do apply to desired area. Let brew for 8+ hours*
Spray: Transfer from tank to application method. Apply brewed product to desired area.
Grow: If using a sprayer, timing it before a rain or watering may yield better results.
Recommend: 3 applications about 3 weeks apart from each other.
If year round farming, repeat every 6 months or as often as desired.
If seasonal, do 1 additional application in the Fall to help with breakdown. Then repeat in the spring.