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Q: What is in Bactifeed?

A: Bactifeed is a soil amendment comprised of a variety of Bacteria and Fungi, as well as a variety of food for the Bacteria.


Q: Is Bactifeed a Dry or Wet Product?

A: Bactifeed comes in a dry powder. Mixing it with water activates the microbes.


Q: Is Bactifeed safe around my children or pets?

A: While you would not want to drink or spray Bactifeed directly on your loved ones, it is safe for them to prance around in the yard after it has been applied. If it gets in your eyes, wash it out. If you consumed, you may experience some diarrhea or possibly other problems. You can call poison control if you're concerned.


Q: Is it possible to put too much on?

A: Not that we've experienced. In fact, we've had some users put on 10x the recommended rate and saw spectacular results even more quickly than usual.


Q: What do the Bacteria do in the soil?

A: Bacteria do a lot of different things in the soil. They break down organic matter, making it more readily available to the plants for intake. That process also provides natural aeration, which means you can get more nitrogen in your soil. That also means that water can enter your soil more quickly and last longer. Some Bacteria layer salts and toxins in a film that helps buffer their effects in the soil. There's a lot of benefits that we know of and I'm sure there are more we'll discover in the future.


Q: What does Fungi do in the soil?

A: Again, Fungi does a lot of different things for the soil. Some fungi attach themselves to the root of plants and form a symbiotic relationship, essentially acting as an expanded root system. They take in nutrients and pass some of those nutrients into the plant. They help protect the plant from some diseases and pests. There have even been instances where the Fungi have wrapped themselves around a harmful insect and used it as a food source for themselves and the plant, turning a negative into a positive.


Q: What size of tank should I brew the Bactifeed in?

A: The larger your tank, the more room there is for growth. I usually recommend 1,000-1,550 gallon tanks for a 160 acre pivot. Though you could use smaller tank. Some have used a 300 gallon tote for about 120 acres, using a float valve to keep the tote filled through the process.


Q: How should I apply Bactifeed?

A: However is most convenient for you! Drip it into your flood irrigation. Inject it through your pivot. Spray it with your sprayer.


Q: Can Bactifeed be applied mixed with other products?

A: You can mix it with most products, except for pesticides, insecticides, or anything else that is designed to kill bugs. You will want to brew the Bactifeed by itself and then mix it with any other products you are putting out shortly before applying it. Don't let it sit with other products for more than a day or two. The microbes may die off or feed on what it is mixed with.


Q: How quickly will I see results?

A: Some farmers usually see an increase in quality with-in the first year. Others see it in their second year. From one field to the next, your soil is different. Some soils respond very quickly. Other soils take time for the microbes to get deep into the soil and work it.


Q: Is it the ST (Standard Treatment) organically certified?

A: In some states the Bactifeed ST is recognized as organic, while in others it does not pass their organic certification. For the states that it is, you simply need to call whoever is in charge of that in your area and have them check that it is and get the good to go from them. If it isn't, we do have Bactifeed OST (Organic Soil Treatment), which is organically certified through OMRI.


Q: Will this work on a dry farm?

A: Yes. Simply brew and spray the product on your fields. If you only spray once or twice in the year, I recommend going 3x the recommended rate to try and work it hard upfront so that it can get to work more quickly. If you can time it and put it on just before it rains, then even better.


Q: Will this cause a problem with tubulars?

A: No. In fact, a lot of the time we see smoother harvests because the soil is a lot more mellow with less dirt clods.


Q: After using Bactifeed I've had more water standing and/or runoff. Is it not working?

A: This happens on occasion and it usually is an excellent sign that it is working. Take a shovel and dig into your soil. Is there a good amount of moisture deeper down in your soil? If so, your soil may be so full of water that it just can't take anymore in. If this happens, you can reduce your water use. That's money you'll be able to cut on water costs!


Q: The water I brewed it in now has a colored slime on top of it. Is this a problem?

A: After brewing in the sun for so long, you may see some algae growing on the surface of your water. This isn't a bad thing. It's just more life. It can be combination of the water you have, the sun, and the microbes working. You may want to filter your water before or as you spray it so that it doesn't clog any nozzles though. You can take measures into preventing or minimizing the chances of algae growing by painting your tank black or simply wrapping it in silage wrap. 

Lawn & Garden - FAQ

Q: How should I apply Bactifeed to my Lawn & Garden?

A: Whatever is easiest for you! A lot of people use hose end sprayers because it is usually the most simple.


Q: I don't have or don't want to use a hose end sprayer. What else can I do?

A: You can use a watering can. Figure out how many watering cans it would take to water your lawn or garden, then divide the brewed product accordingly. Pour a portion of the brewed product into the watering can, then fill the rest with water.


Q: What should I do with left over brewed Bactifeed?

A: You could spray some extra on problem areas. You could spray some on your composting. You could leave it in an open container and save it for another time. If you leave it longer than 2 weeks add a little more Bactifeed powder into the mix the night before you spray it. It doesn't hurt to just spray it out though. Heavier applications can lead to faster and better results.


Q: Why do I need to water my lawn for a few minutes after I apply the Bactifeed?

A: Watering your lawn after you apply it can help drive the bactifeed deeper into the soil and protect some of them from dying off from the UV rays of the sun.

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R.S. Bactifeed
Utah, United States
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